Liquid crystal device
- Substrate WET cleaning device (sheet, spin)
- Substrate DRY Cleaner (Excimer UV)
- Resist coater, HP / CP
- Transporting transport robot system, stocker
- Inspection device

Inkjet related device
- Print to cardboard
- Board press printed circuit board.
- Solar panel
- Resist coater
- Print to glass substrate
Car-related device
- Transmission assembling device
- Engine assembling device
- Muffler welder
- Lifter
- Glass substrate press

Semiconductor-related device
- Resist coater
- Exposure machine
- Resist coater, HP / CP
- Image sensor production device
The import and export of machine part, devices
Because you recruit you even from a part of one piece of drawing as well as a device, please order it willingly. In addition, please take a voice when you have a problem in the case of the export of devices.

Mechanical design contracting business
In the machine Designing Section, I perform a contract design.
Machine production technology consulting business
I perform the precise consulting that and was conscious of cost by the experience-rich engineer.

Woker dispatch business
Including a machine design, I dispatch a control design, a production member.
Hirata Corporation
Techno Design Corporation
Oyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Hirata Corporation
Techno Design Corporation
Oyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Job placement business
You want and, in us, introduce the talented person who complied by the acquaintances whom I cultivated so far.