Site policy

Privacy Policy
PTC (I call it us as follows) Co., Ltd. deals with personal information carefully and pays scrupulous attention for respect for privacy and protection of the personal information.

When all of you give the inquiry by the email to me on our website, in form to have an email form input, I ask for an offer of the personal information.
The personal information that had you transmit a message is used for a purpose to support for an inquiry quickly and appropriately. Unless the personal information that collected, the E-mail which received are permitted by laws and ordinances; without permission to a third party there cannot be disclosure or the thing contributing it.
Copyright Policy
PTC Co., Ltd. owns all contents placed in our website. Without a written permission, it is forbidden using it other than a personal purpose.
Because our website changes the contents without a notice or I may abolish it, thank you for your understanding beforehand.